About the Journal

Journal title Journal of Automotive Engineering Technology
Initials JAET
Online ISSN xxxx-xxxx
Print ISSN xxxx-xxxx
Accreditation Status Not Accredited
Frequency 2 issues per year (April, and November)
DOI Journal 10.52330/jaet by
Editor-in-chief Ridho Hans Gurning, M.T
Publisher Politeknik STMI Jakarta
Cite Analysis Google Scholar
Indexing Google ScholarGaruda |

Jurnal of Automotive Engineering Technology (JAET) is a scientific journal published by Politeknik STMI Jakarta and discusses the latest trends in industrial management. The study room for Journal of Automotive Engineering Technology (JAET) is in the field: 

  1. Tooling Design in Manufacturing,
  2. Machine Element and Tribology,
  3. Information, Intelligence and Precision Equipment,
  4. Manufacturing Engineering,
  5. Information Systems,
  6. Automotive Technology.
  7. Combustion Engine
  8. Energy and Emissions
  9. Safety Technology and Control Systems
  10. Vehicle Design and Development
  11. Drive Systems and Technologies
  12. Renewable Energy

Journal of Automotive Engineering Technology (JAET) publishes research papers, technical papers, conceptual papers and case study reports. Article manuscripts are published after going through a thorough peer-review process. The first edition of JAET was published in 2025. The publication of the journal is managed by Automotive Engineering Technology Departement at Politeknik STMI Jakarta, Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia as publisher and discusses the latest trends in industrial management. Accepted papers can be in English