Implementasi K3 dan 5S dalam Pengoptimalan Penggunaan Alat Bantu Roller Dies dan Hanging Roller pada Proses Setup Dies di PT Ganding Toolsindo
5S , Hanging Roller, K3, Roller DiesAbstract
Occupational Safety and Health (K3) in a production company is a condition that creates healthy and safe conditions in carrying out work every day. Implementation of K3 is an important aspect in production companies, including PT. Ganding Toolsindo. This community service aims to identify the dangers of using roller dies and hanging rollers, then make improvements in maintenance and work arrangements using the 5S method (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke). The benefits received by partners are in the form of knowledge for workers regarding the use of roller dies and hanging rollers in the die setup process in the work environment so that workers are more orderly in using the tools. Apart from that, the K3 knowledge obtained by workers can also reduce the risk of work accidents.
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PT Ganding Toolsindo. 2023. Tentang Kami PT Ganding Toolsindo. Diunduh dari
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